Efa's Box

Emma Billham, Claudia Herrmann, Julius Kranefuss, Maja Lesnik, Adrian Meredith
Fotos: Sittig Fahr-Becker
The re-design of the EFA’s frozen yogurt store is defined by dichotomy, finding the climax in their connections. This dichotomy consist of the contra posts brand’s history to its re-launch, history and tradition contra future and generation change as well as the old product “EFA Eiskrem” getting replaced by sutainable and healthy “EFA’s frozen yogurt”.
Consolidated in a single box the brand’s idea can easily be transported in every location, adapt to found situation and be reproduced in new and interesting way. Cause every box holds the main ideas and significant brand values. Since the contradiction emerges simply between the existing room (objet trouvé) and the EFA’s box (objet construit), the idea of a room in a room becomes in conceptual and economic ways the sujet of the new EFA’s corporate identity.
The mostly classical architectonical syntax is constantly broken by modern and expressive elements. the question how to deal with these
dichotomy is therefore answered by the use of different styles. To foster the playfull usage of ornaments and decoration the whole interior is consolidated in a box. This box is cut, placed in the exisiting store, showing its construction layer and becomes a coulisse. By doing so It renders ironic and conceptual idea.